Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Women And Women s Body - 2476 Words

Picture this: there is an extravagant event being held at an upper scale Country Club. The women dress in long stunning designer gowns that probably cost more than their first semester of college. This event is very high class therefore, the women more than likely made arrangements to get their hair, makeup and nails done. While the men on the other hand, wear a tuxedo; some men will throw on a suit and tie instead. Most men will not even consider how â€Å"flawless† they have to look. Though, it is very common for men to look down upon women they are not the only ones to blame for. In today’s world, society plays a leading role in the discrimination of women’s bodies through the media such as advertisements, television shows and movies. Thus, are men really only ones to blame for the objectification of women’s bodies? Men take a leading role in the discrimination of women’s bodies however, the advertisements that are displayed for the public eye al so play an enormous role. In commercial advertisements for instance, women are always nice looking with their hair fixed and some sort of makeup touch done. The men begin to set higher expectations due to the fact that they visualize sex appealing advertisements. For example, during the Super Bowl the notorious Go Daddy commercials air gaining tons of popularity. The company Go Daddy continuously use young â€Å"sexy woman† as actresses as an attempt to gain the viewers’ attention, specifically men viewers. There are companies thatShow MoreRelatedThe Objectification Of Women s Body1994 Words   |  8 Pages The objectification of women is commonly used to refer to the presentation of women in the media as an object. Women s bodies are routinely used as objects to sell various products. In certain pictures women are presented as being vulnerable and easily overpowered especially in ads were they have on revealing clothing and take on submissive roles. These images are found in music videos as well, where the focus is only a particular body part. Lyrics to some songs promote this objectificationRead MoreWomen s Belief Of Human Bodies1360 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction In ancient Greek societies, women were largely restricted due to the ancient Greek’s belief of human bodies. Even though men and women were physically different and Greek societies were male-dominant, women had an important part to play in religion. Ancient Greek religious practices varied between men and women. Overall, ancient Greek religion was based on a give-and-take mindset in which the Greeks believed that they would receive protection from Gods and Goddesses if they worshipRead MoreWomen s Lack Of Body Image1369 Words   |  6 Pagesmany women are not as self-confident about their appearance as they should be. Many would take one look at themselves in the mirror and see all flaws and no beauty. Females believe there is a â€Å"perfect body† they must have and if they don’t achieve it, they will be nothing. However, this is not the case. Every women body is beautiful. But as more and more women begin to down-grade their body, they develop low self-esteem , depression, and hate for themselves. Body image has power however, women haveRead MoreEffects Of Advertising On Women s Body1239 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"[Eighty percent] of women stated that the images portrayed on television, movies, fashion magazines, and advertising makes them feel insecure† (Hitz 1). Although certain companies have started campaigns to promote self-confidence within one’s own skin, society overpowers the mind of women when it comes to how a body should look. Billboards and commercial advertisements about how to lose weight and get fit in a short amount of time effects a person mind; by implying that the way they look is notRead MoreThe Effects Of Abortion On Women s Body922 Words   |  4 Pagesdecision that has been increasing over the years. Many women in the world are procuring this method, most likely if they have experienced rape, unsafe sex or lack knowledge about the consequences of unprotected intimacy. However, there are many side e ffects a woman receives after having an abortion that could either be temporary or permanent. For instance, many scholars and statistics agree with my statement on how abortion negatively affects a women’s body in many ways and states the consequences this actRead MoreEffects Of Advertisements On Women s Body784 Words   |  4 Pagesadvertisements are selling the same product then both men and women need to be treated equally, when it comes to being paid. Have you ever looked at an ad and thought wow that man has a sexy body. Men have you ever looked at an ad and thought wow that women has a sexy body. Well, you’re not the only one. However, have you ever noticed that one add, where you see a man’s full head and body and you look at the same add with a women and only see her body. Men, do you ever ask yourself where her head is? IsRead MoreThe Effects Of Abortion On Women s Body1090 Words   |  5 PagesAbortions also can be very damaging to the human body. Thirteen out of 17 studies in the U.S. reported more breast cancer among women who chose abortion. A 1996 meta-analysis of all published reports on the incidence of induced abortion and breast cancer appearing in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found, on average, a 30% increased risk. Abortion can destroy lives of many helpless innocent children and even in some states is legal. The women of today age in time chooses to advantageRead MoreThe Truth About Women s Bodies1393 Words   |  6 PagesMy volume of choice was TIME magazine Volume 153 which was published from March through April 1999. One particular TIME magazine I chose to analyze and present was called, â€Å"The Truth About Women’s Bodies† because the title and the cover of the magazine really stood out to me and it made me curious to see what this cover story is about. This magazine was published on March 8, 1999 and the author of this cover story was named Barbara Ehrenreich, who is a best-selling author and a political activistRead MoreMedia Influence On Women s Body Image1688 Words   |  7 Pagesperfect body image has changed in many ways. This is very evident in the female sex, especially through media. â€Å"Americans spend about 68 hours per week exposed to various forms of media† (US Census Bureau 2009). This media exposure through outlets such as t.v., radio, music videos, movies, and the internet, all influence the way people think a bout gender. The media influence is very evident in the way people view women and think about women in different cultures. Media influence on women createsRead MoreThe Media s Influence On Women s Body1102 Words   |  5 Pages21st century is the way women’s bodies are portrayed in the media. This also brings about an even greater problem; the manipulation of photographs. The media have perpetuated what is the ideal weight for a woman thus creating pressures for women to be that ideal. Are the media acting ethically by inaccurately portraying women? Should pictures that are altered carry warning labels? One of the biggest media industries to blame for the thin ideal representation of women is the advertising industry. Unlike

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