Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Impact of The British Revolution on Society Essay example

The British revolution had a great impact on the society. Various complicated machines tools were used in the production and rural-agricultural and commercial society to a progressive rural- industrial society, this period of time old ideas mere modified, not swept away and gradually new ideas took place. This thing helped Britain changing their city life, social class structure, the power of the British nation amongst rest of the world, the production of machinery, and the strength of the economy of British. Between 18th to 19th centuries, the famous Industrial Revolution profound effect on the whole society in the UK, then slowly spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the whole world. It had great impact on†¦show more content†¦In the 18th century, wagons replaced pack-horse trains, and new roads were built. A network of canals for their improved transportation in the 18th century. The development of the steamboat and the locomotive engine in the 1th century greatly enhanced the speed of shipping raw material and manufactured products. Because of the increased production of machinery, industries advanced in full speed. The products of city factories become cheaper and more available. In result, companied started to make more money in which British factory owners, entrepreneurs, and other businessmen worked to promote more international commerce for Britain and support an increase in profits o British industrial goods with the massive increase in goods the economy began to surge up. The Industrial Revolution was the driving force behind social change between the 18th and 19th centuries. England was already leading its way towards becoming a major workshop of the world. During this period, human power rapidly being transformed to a machine power and large number of population was shifted to industrial town and cities. In my opinion, Industrial Revolution played an integral role in 18th-19th centuries. Due to which increase in development of science and technology occur. Because of Industrial revolution, the economy got stronger andShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of the Industrial Revolution on British Society and Economy2053 Words   |  9 PagesThe impact of the Industrial Revolution on British society and economy There is no doubt that the Industrial Revolution plays a central role in the modern British history. The structure of British society has forever changed by the impact and consequences of Industrial Revolution. 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